Festival Details

August 29 – The Colorado Diasporic Film Festival – Opening Night

Time: 6 PM Location: Sie Film Center. 2510 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206

Limited Availability – Email us if interested
August 30 – The Colorado Diasporic Film Festival – Day 2

Films, Panels, Diasporic Kid Zone

Time: 10:30 AM – 6 PM 

Location: RiNo Art Park – Truss House, 3400 Arkins Ct Denver, CO 80216

August 31 – The Colorado Diasporic Film Festival – Day 3

Films, Panels, Art Vendors, Food Trucks, and more! 
Time: 10:30 AM – 6 PM 

Location: RiNo Art Park – Truss House, 3400 Arkins Ct Denver, CO 80216

Films, Panels, Cultural Fashion Show, Live Performance, Awards

Time: 11 AM – 6 PM

Location: Sie Film Center, 2510 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 8020

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our events or programming. 

Colorado Diasporic Film Festival 2024

Awards & Prizes

1. Best Feature Film ($500 Cash Prize, Trophy and Digital Recognition)
2. Best Cultural Feature Documentary ($500 Cash Prize, Trophy and Digital Recognition)
3. Best Short Film ($400 Cash Prize, Trophy and Digital Recognition)
4. Best Cultural Short Documentary ($400 Cash Prize, Trophy and Digital Recognition)
5. Best Children’s Short Film ($200 Cash Prize, Trophy, Digital Recognition)
6. Best Animated Short Film ($200 Cash Prize, Trophy, Digital Recognition)
7. Best Student Short Film ($200 Cash Prize, Trophy, Digital Recognition)

Additional prizes may be announced. Current award categories and prizes are subject to change


Our festival is a celebration of the vibrant tapestry of cultures that converge in Colorado, showcasing cinematic works that illuminate the movement of peoples and the richness of communities across the globe. From the ancient Greek origins of the term ‘diaspora’—meaning ‘to scatter about’—we draw inspiration to explore stories of migration, identity, and belonging through the art of cinema.

As an initiative of the Askkanwii Filmmaking Hub Incubator, a nonprofit organization based in Denver; the Colorado Diasporic Film Festival is dedicated to fostering cross-cultural understanding and connection. Through a curated selection of films, documentaries, shorts, and panel discussions and workshops; we invite audiences to embark on a journey of discovery—a journey that reveals the beauty and complexity of human experiences, both near and far.


The mission of the Colorado Diasporic Film Festival is to curate a dynamic selection of diasporic films, documentaries, and panel discussions and workshops that serve as windows into diverse cultures and experiences. Through the power of cinema, we aim to foster empathy, provoke thought, and inspire dialogue, allowing audiences to explore the complexities of identity, migration, and belonging. By celebrating the voices of BIPOC filmmakers, underrepresented communities, and marginalized groups, we strive to create a platform that amplifies diverse perspectives and promotes cross-cultural understanding and connection.”


The Colorado Diasporic Film Festival envisions a vibrant cultural tapestry where borders blur and human connections transcend geographical limitations. By showcasing compelling cinematic works from around the world, our festival aspires to ignite curiosity and curiosity in audiences, expanding their understanding of global diversity and interconnectedness. Through our inclusive programming, we aim to create a welcoming space where all voices are heard and valued, enriching the cultural fabric of our community. By bridging distances and fostering empathy, the festival seeks to inspire a sense of unity and appreciation for the rich mosaic of identities that define us as individuals and as a society.

Community Served

The Colorado Diasporic Film Festival is committed to serving a diverse and inclusive community, with a particular focus on amplifying the voices of BIPOC filmmakers, underrepresented youth, women, immigrants, and other marginalized groups. Our festival strives to create a welcoming and accessible environment where individuals from all backgrounds feel empowered to share their stories and perspectives. By showcasing a wide range of cinematic genres and styles, including documentaries, feature films, shorts, and more, we aim to engage audiences of all ages and interests. Through our programming, we seek to celebrate the richness of cultural heritage and promote dialogue, understanding, and solidarity among communities in Colorado and beyond.

Through the Colorado Diasporic Film Festival, we invite you to explore, connect, and celebrate the power of storytelling to unite us all.

What does Diaspora mean? 

Diaspora is a term that describes a large group of people who share a regional or cultural origin but live away from their traditional homeland. The term comes from an ancient Greek word that means “to scatter about”. Diasporas can be the result of immigration or forced movements of people. The people of a diaspora spread their culture as they move.

Event Summary: 

The Colorado Diasporic Film Festival celebrates the diverse cultures converging in Colorado, showcasing cinematic works that explore migration, identity, and belonging. As an initiative of the Askkanwii Filmmaking Hub Incubator, our festival is dedicated to fostering cross-cultural understanding through curated films, documentaries, shorts, and discussions. Our mission is to provoke thought and inspire dialogue on the complexities of identity, migration, and belonging, while amplifying the voices of BIPOC filmmakers and marginalized communities.

This event will be affordable and accessible to families, ensuring that everyone can participate and enjoy the enriching experience of cinema. Additionally, we plan to strengthen our collaboration with the Denver Public Library, expanding access to our programming and resources.

Our communal spirit is open to event design with new and existing partnerships. We welcome collaboration with RiNo, new artists, and other community-based nonprofits to create a vibrant and inclusive festival experience. Through these partnerships, we aim to further enrich our programming and engage audiences in meaningful dialogue and cultural exchange.


Submission requirements:

  1. Films are accepted via Film Freeway only. Colorado Diasporic Film Festival – FilmFreeway
  2. Each submission must be accompanied by a submission fee paid in full. Once we have all the materials, the submission will be marked in “consideration” and it is the submitter’s responsibility to make sure that all submission requirements are met. 
  3. Any submission that is incomplete by our final deadline will be disqualified without a refund of submission fees. 
  4. All foreign language films must be submitted with English subtitles unless you submit an English version of your film. If we discover that a foreign language film is missing English subtitles, we will let you know via email for updates. If the submitter fails to provide working English subtitles by the final submission deadline, the project will be considered incomplete, and we will disqualify without refund of submission fees. 
  5. Submitted films should be in digital media file format: MOV or MP4.
  6. Films must reflect the diasporic experiences, BIPOC experience and be created in part by diasporic and BIPOC filmmakers or writers. 
  7. The general film category is open to local, national, and international films, with special emphasis on collaborative or independent filmmakers work with short or feature films produced by professional filmmakers, first-time filmmakers, student filmmakers, emerging independent filmmakers.

Rules & Terms

We encourage you to review the following rules and terms: https://filmfreeway.com/ColoradoDiasporicFilmFestival

Colorado Diasporic Film Festival Planning

Planning Committee

Film festival Planning Committee and Askkanwii Filmmaking Hub incubator working together with community partners, the board of directors to fundraise, plan and execute action items that will result in a successful festival.

  • Ousmane Ndoye -Executive Director
  • Priscilla Montoya– organizational Manager 
  • Samuel GebreMichael– Partnership & sponsors
  • Trey Johnson -Filming
  • Sisay Dereje – Filming 
  • Yeshimebet Belayneh– Community organizer
  • Monica Alvidrez-event planning
  • Doudou Ndiaye-community outreach 
  • Kevin Shand – Judge & screening
  • Clay Walker – Judge & screening
  • Abdou Samb – Judge & screening
  • Modeste Dawate – Judge & screening
  • Abdoulaye Sene – Judge & screening
  • Francois L. Onana – Judge & screening
  • Kalidou Nsiaye – Judge & screening
  • Ahmed Bebeder– Judge & screening
  • Morgan Barnes -Event planning
  • Aliou Kaba Badiane – Adviser
  • Dr. Stephen Mouzou -Adviser

Colorado Diasporic Film Festival – FilmFreeway


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